Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Twilight, from a dude's prospective

I've probably read less books than the average reader, at least that's how i see myself. I think reading is great during idle times during a long ride on a train or during a personal favorite of mine: a "woot-off".
Twilight, when i first heard about it as a movie, seemed uninteresting to me since the main actress that was interviewed seemed to be daydreaming more about the co-star vampire than the movie - from what i remember seeing. So i did not think this movie would be anything i'd be interested in. I don't think i would have ever considered tediously reading this book less watching the movie. But like i said before, reading is a good pastime especially during train rides so reading was always a favorite option. The book got to me when my sister finished reading it before leaving for her community service to Africa.
I was warned that the book was pretty girly and that it was like a harry potter series book (something i probably won't be reading). So this book, like all the other books i've read, have been just rare opportunities that have crossed my day. I agreed to check the book out and taste the "girly" side of novels and give her feedback when i've completed. Well i just completed the book and wanted to blog about it.

From early on in the book, i hated the main character - she was someone i found more annoying than anything. the character to me was a snob with nothing to back it up - she's clumsy and scared most of the time but acts pretty tough. It's probably a character that the author chose because she thought it might attract more girls to read but i'm a guy and i found it way annoying. I noticed the book spends much more time describing the attractive details of the characters lover to be than anything else in the book. about 50% of the book (imo) was about how attractive the vampire was and how dreamy it was to be with him...
I would probably give this book a 3.9/5 and that's probably because the book was not meant for grown boys to read. I have never watched the movie so i didn't really know what to expect. After reading it, i am not even tempted to watch the movie - i think the book has given me enough to my liking. The book gives a good "alternative" view of the stereotypical vampires and makes a more believable version of the sun-fearing bloodsuckers. Another positive to the book as the author's epilogue which seemed to have a very good ending since the rest of the book was very dark. This book does not deserve an above-average 4 because a regular guy like me would always be tortured reading about girly fantasies half the time.

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