Monday, December 1, 2008

thanksgiving weekend

The week of thanksgiving was great, I invited friends over for a party i started. The occasion was for the up-coming black friday event that usually takes place after thanksgiving day. Being a 3 year veteran of this crazed shopping event, i know to sacrifice a day in advanced to get the deals people wanted.

The party started a day before thanksgiving; this gives people time to celebrate it with me BEFORE family (and/or shopping). The turkey was good and everyone enjoyed the dinner, a friend colin brough over some blu-ray movies and some games for the ps3; we watched transformers on the ps3 and the dark knight afterwards from a laptop. About 5 of the 8 people showed up to the party and only 2 of the 5 showed up on black friday.

Most of the people who went with me weren't sure of what to get but i persuaded them to grab that $20 laser printer that had a $150 rebate (got one last year with still ink in it). It wasn't as cold as last year and we had a great position in line untill 20 people cut in front of us 2 hours prior to the opening at 5am. Dispite the event, i had a good time talking with the people around me and getting all the items i really wanted. This year i bought me a new computer (from parts) and will be getting my room ready for those new PC games that i've neglected for a while.

The next day was another sale at Fry's; I went to get the last pieces for my machine - the case and the power and had to go off to play badmitton with my cousins and uncle. The day was pretty good - we haven't been together like that for months and we shared a lot of each other's personal life with each other. A lot of planning was done that day for the next meet - up in december (i hope we have as good as a time as that day's).

Anyway i needed to return something at fry's so i ended up going back for a 3rd time and ended up getting a few more things ... much less than the item i returned. All this shopping has reminded me i still need to deposit all that money i had left over from china.

I have a brand new quad core computer with more hard disk space than i needed - and also graphics card that seems to be worse than the integrated one on the mother board.... what a bummer. All this new stuff is making me want to do something productive - hopefully the next blog i will figure out what to do next with the time alloted .

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